As I sit in this chair tipping the keyboards, chatting with my bestfriend in Cavite, I saw a status message of one of my YM contacts. It says "22 days to go before christmas". Where did the time go? It really did fly so fast. It was not long ago that I was changing nappies and preparing milk at the brink of dawn. Yes! I passed that stage with flying colors..hooray!
There were times that I felt if I still have the strength to stand up and wake up in the wee ours of the morning. That was the time when my son was still in his early months and was already sick. I had to be awake because he was in a crying fit and I was crying inside because I know he's somewhat in pain. I wished at that moment that he could talk and tell me what's wrong. All my husband and I can do at that moment was carry and sing to him. It was our way of showing him that everything is going to be fine.The first year of us being a couple and parents at the same time was so hard. John was always sick because of his asthma attacks. We had to rush him to the hospital at the brink of dawn and not once but twice he was confined. Seeing him being administered with medications was tough on us his parents. There was this instance that I got angry with a nurse because it took her 5 times to inject john with the needle for the dextrose and my baby was crying so hard. Seeing how furious I was, another nurse stepped in and that was when she succeeded.Thank God she succeeded because I could have blown my wits at her any moment.
Not only were we financially crippled at that moment but physically we're already draining. But we're blessed with family and friends who helped us in every possible way. Their love and support made us strong for John who needed them badly. While in the hospital, Jorge and I would take turns in watching our baby. This is one of the trying times in our married life.
Looking back at these memories and seeing John now, I've come to realize how blessed we are. He was able to pull through and he's in a much better shape these days. I just hope and pray that when God gives us trials, we may be able to surpass it and still come out much stronger and ready for the coming waves.